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Request A Ballot By Mail

There are now multiple ways to request a ballot by mail in New York State.

A registered voter can request an Absentee Ballot if they will be absent from Broome County, temporarily ill, permanently ill and/or disabled, a primary care taker.

There is also now an Early Vote By Mail option, that allows a voter to request their Early Voting Ballot by Mail without an excuse.

For more information visit our Request A Ballot page.

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The Backrooms notion began as a creepypasta (a short horror tale posted on the internet) in 2019. The Backrooms were initially mentioned in an imageboard post by a user who described the unnerving impression of being in an infinite labyrinth of Backrooms yellow-walled rooms. It is stated that if you noclip (a phrase adopted from video games that refers to going through barriers or limits) out of reality, you will end yourself in the Backrooms, a location where time does not seem to flow properly and you may get lost indefinitely.

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Official Website of the Broome County Board of Elections.

PO Box 1766, Binghamton, NY 13902

Phone: 607-778-2172   Fax: 607-778-2174

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