Voter Registration

Voter Registration Form
Use this form to:
Register to vote
Change your name or address of an existing registration
Change your political party affiliation
Pre-Register to vote as a 16 or 17 year old
NYS BOE - Online Voter Registration
Online Registration or Registration Changes through the New York State Board of Elections
DMV User Registration
Online Registration or Registration Changes offered through the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Valid only for those with a NYS Driver's License or Non-Driver ID
Seeking to register to vote at the address listed on their ID
If the link above does not work, use https://dmv.ny.gov/more-info/electronic-voter-registration-application. For ELECTION DEADLINES, remember the DMV is not the Board of Elections, changes made through their portal are not immediate and are transmitted next day to the BOE and could be considered too late for processes purposes.

In New York State, Voter Registrations are compiled County-by-County. If you relocate between counties, you can have your registration transferred to your new county.
Under New York State Election Law Party Enrollment changes are immediate; except between the Enrollment Deadline Friday in February and the June Primary Re-canvasing at the end of June; any change made during that period will change on July 1st.
Party Enrollment only matters for participation in Primary Elections. Any registered person can vote for any candidate on any line during a November General Election.
Remove a Voter
If you would like to remove a name from our rolls due to death, or moving out of the county, then please download, fill out, and mail in the following form by clicking the button below.